Srdjan Vranac

Srdjan Vranac Srdjan Vranac's' country flag

Code4Hire Kft

Vranac has been in this industry for a long time. He had good fortune to work with a lot of talented people, and had a chance to see some brilliant code, and some of the worst ever written. He gets paid for writing code that performs exceptionally. He runs Code4Hire, a small outfit dedicated to solving tough problems.

Speaker's talks

  • Be nice, help the person who hacks your servers to get your data

    Regular Talk Intermediate

    Where are your credentials and secrets stored? In .env files or in environment variables, or even worse in config files? Are your primary AWS keys shared amongst developers? Do you still have SSH keys from former employees on your servers?

    10:30 25.05.2019 Read More